Saturday, November 29, 2014

Gooble! Gooble! Five for Friday!

I've been a bad, bad blogger!  But, November is sooo busy for us!  A million birthdays and our anniversary.  Oh and turkey day!  Thanks  Doodle Bugs Teaching for hosting this linky party!

My Kindergarteners and I read one of my favorite books, Clarence the Cranberry Who Couldn't Bounce. I picked it up in the Cape and have been using it for years  It's a unique little story about a cranberry's journey from growth to being a prize winning cranberry.  We wrote a sentence and drew Clarence doing something from the story.

My Kindergarteners and I also did a little work from my NO PREP Thanksgiving Literacy--Kindergarten Packet.  They loved it and it was a great way to do some reviewing before the holiday.  I also used pieces to go through with my very low first graders.

Another favorite with my little ones was my Thanksgiving Little Reader & More:  Kindergarten set.  I taught them the vocabulary words ahead of time with the vocabulary cards.  Then we read the book together, focusing on the phrase "I see."  Personally, I loved it and can't wait to use my Christmas ones!

I am super thankful for my two little turkeys!  We carried on the holiday tradition of making muffins in the morning. I've been doing it since I was little.  We also went to my sister-in-laws this year.  It was honestly the most relaxing Thanksgiving I've had in a really long time! 

We ventured out to two different malls and Home Depot on this wonderful Black Friday.  We go out around lunch when it's not too nuts but you can still find some deals.  Definitely made out at Old Navy!  This pic was at Home Depot.  It was really awesome because we walked in and were told there was a visitor.  Santa was there!  They got a pic right away, wrote letters to Santa (I think they will be mailing us something back!), candy canes, AND they gave out cute little keys so Santa can get into your house if you don't have a chimney.  Mommy just spent $4 on one from a catalog lol.  I thought this was super awesome of them to do!  My little one is clearly in a candy cane coma haha!

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday.  Keep an eye out because I have a lot of holiday stuff coming your way!

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