Saturday, October 11, 2014

Another Five for Friday!

Back on track!  My groups and I have been very busy!  I've also been busy making some new things so check everything out below!  Thanks  Doodle Bugs Teaching for hosting!

I decided that this year, I'd like to "study" each letter of the alphabet with my kindergarteners.  We do activities that involve all letters but I wanted to be sure to point out each specifically.  Every few days we switch it up.  My kids LOVE this activity.  Every time they are surprised that the dots also make the letter!  They love pointing out the uppercase and lowercase letters to me.  My lowest student in that group is even extremely enthusiastic about this activity and it's helping him.  I picked this up from "Teaching Products" TPT store here.


My mother picked this up for $3 at a tag sale.  I love it but it's missing the cards for some letters :(.  It's still useful and very helpful for my first graders.  They really enjoyed it.  My mom's always finding tag sale goodies!


My sweet lovies need a mention here.  They drive me nuts but sweet moments like these are a good reminder of what's really important.

I spent several days going through TPT to see which Play Dough mat I wanted to purchase.  I had two in my cart.  I kept staring back and forth at both of them.  They both had things I liked.  Ultimately, I decided they didn't quite fit what I wanted.  Soooo I do what I usually do and I made my own!  This are on their way to being finished this weekend for you guys!  I love that they got to make the letter but also had to practice writing it AND identifying the sound.  I love them!

I LOVE THIS PACKET!  I have been searching pretty much since last year for something like this!  I needed upper-grade r-controlled vowel activities.  My diagnostic assessments were showing that my my 4th and 5th graders needed help with it.  The problem was that everything I had or could find online were geared towards younger students.  I, of course, took matters into my own hands...again (Play Dough mats...haha).  There are several activities AND 2 decodable stories with activities and comprehension questions.  PLEASE check it out here!  I will be writing a post about everything included this weekend as well as creating a more in-depth preview of it!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the dobbing activity that shows the letter! I might have to do this with some of my friends! (I teach first but I have some low friends that would benefit from this!) What a great visual for them!

    - Abbey from Tremendous First Grade Tales
