Saturday, January 17, 2015

Yay! Five for Friday!

Haven't done this in awhile!  So glad it's back!  Taking advantage of my little one napping while Daddy and the big one are out! Thanks  Doodle Bugs Teaching for hosting this linky party!


Happy Birthday to my big boy!  Sunday was my oldest's 4th birthday.  FOURTH BIRTHDAY.  I have a four year old!  That's bananas!  He had a great weekend.  These are the cupcakes I made for him to take to school.  I definitely felt like such a mommy doing that haha.  


I read "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake" by Laura Numeroff to my kindergarteners and first graders this week.  They loved it!  I'm sure most of you know her books are great to talk about sequencing.  We of course did that as well as talked about the story elements.  I made a few quick activities to go along with it as well.  For kindergarten, we practiced our color words.  We then used our color words in our writing prompt.  Mine have a very difficult time writing their own name let alone a sentence, so I made a tracing activity.  They did have to write their own color word in the prompt.  I was proud of them!  For first grade, I wanted them to describe what kind of cupcake they would give the cat.  We talked about sentence structure and rereading what we write to make sure it makes sense.  Look for this little bundle in my store soon...FOR FREE :)  Also, I will so be doing "If You Give a Dog a Donut" too!


My 4th graders have been working on their oral language skills.  As a quick activity, we look at a picture one day and discuss it.  The next, they write a sentence or two about the picture.  The third day, they share their sentences.  I stepped it up a notch and introduced them to this awesome wordless book called "Journey" by Aaron Becker.  I created this little booklet so they can write their own story for the pages.  Can't wait for everyone to share them!  This will also be up for free in my store soon!

I've been trying out the containers that came with my 21-Day Fix challenge pack.  I LOVE the workouts and have been seeing some great results.  I feel so happy and healthy!  Here are some of the meals I've been testing out!

The boys are doing well.  My little one insists on bothering me during workouts lol.  He even tries it with me.  They're also working on sharing.  It's becoming increasingly harder now that the little one is getting bigger.  He often takes the big ones stuff and when a fit beings he is the one hitting and literally banging his head against my older son's head.  *sigh*  Any suggestions lol?

Have a great week everyone!  I have so many things I'm trying to work on!  I will have those freebies up ASAP!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year! Frog Hop Phoneme Segmentation

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! First off, my apologies for being MIA this past month.  My children have been super sick the entire month.  Well, for like two years.  I need new doctors for them :(  They just don't listen to me.  I brought them both there in November and they kept brushing it off.  They continued to be sick and of course, it turned into a pneumonia for BOTH of them Christmas week.  UGH!  Despite all of that, we still had a nice Christmas.  It was really nice being forced to just stay home and play for days :)  Santa brought the boys a wagon.  I thought the big slide that the Easter Bunny brought was the best gift ever.  I think this was a winner too!  So glad we didn't get the kids a lot and really tried to stick with things they'd like.  This wagon is amazing.  It's been a Disney ride, a car, it's sailed the Never Seas, been a restaurant, a pet many things!

On a happier note, I have FINALLY posted my Frog Hop Phoneme Segmentation to my store!  I can't believe I never did!  DUH on my end!

I posted about this awhile ago, but forgot to post the product!  I made this to think of another way to get my kindergartners and first graders to practice phoneme segmentation.  They were getting bored with sitting at the table and doing it that way.  They always seem to have ants in their pants so I wanted to get them up and moving.  It was a hit!

First thing to do is print off either B&W version or the colored version.  I printed mine in B&W but on green paper.  I also laminated it since they will be stepped on.

You can either do this with your students or set up as a center.  They can pick a card (or you).  Cards are 2-5 phonemes and there are several for each.


They will say what the picture is.  Then, the student will hop out the phonemes.  They can keep the cards to tally up at the end or can play for fun.  If you want your students to practice blending phonemes, then YOU pick the card, DON'T show them, and say all of the phonemes. The students need to repeat the phonemes by hopping and then blend the word together.  It's so simple but fun!

I have some more things in the works.  Looking forward to some cute stuff for February.  I'm also interested in knowing what you guys would like to see me create.  Let me know!